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Thursday, 14 July 2011

1,Cute Love sms text Messages, love sms, cute love sms, Love poem sms, Love sms quotes, Free love sms messages, Love sms Jokes, Funny love sms, Sweet love sms, Romantic sms messages

Love sms :-1

Sweet Candies Are Easy To Buy,
Sweet Words Are Easy To Say
But Sweet people Like U Is Very Hard To Find,
So I Dont Want To Loose U

Love sms :-2

Near one is not always dear one
dear one is not always near
it is easy to remember the near one
but hard to forget the dear one....

Love sms :-3

When u love someone, it's something.
When someone loves u,it's another thing.
When u loves d person who loves u back,
it's everything

Love sms :-4

Human heart beats 72 times per minute,
but even ur heart beats one time
also u can alive because 71 times my heart beats for you
Love sms :-5

Smile is the 2nd best thing you can do with your Lips. What is first thing? ..??..
(Answer is "KISS").

Love sms :-6

When we sigh about our problems,
they grow DOUBLE.
But when we laugh about them...
they become bubbles !
Have a bubbly life !

Love sms :-7

Trouble is a part of your life,
and if you don't share it,
you don't give the person
that loves you
enough chance to love you enough

Love sms :-8

Doctor's prescription 4 u.
A cute little smile 4 breakfast.
More laughs 4 lunch.
Lots of happiness for dinner.
Doctor's fee? An sms when u r free
Love sms :-9

Joy is the experience of knowing
that you are unconditionally loved
and that nothing--
sickness, failure, emotional distress,
oppression, war, or even death--
can take that love away.

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Love sms :-10

Just as the wind dances in my hair,
as the ocean massages my thoughts,
as the sun blankets me in happiness
& as the earth travels with me
across universal challenges,
so all the elements of ur luv fill my life